
Meerkat Live Cam

Meerkat Live Cam


Calling all animal lovers! We have teamed up with EarthCam to share views of our meerkats, and sometimes even a surprise viewing of our fennec foxes, with this new live streaming webcam!

Meerkats are a common omnivore from the mongoose family that are found in desert and other arid environments of Southern Africa.  Made famous by the Disney character, “Timon,” from The Lion King, meerkats have become an extremely popular animal, especially with children.  Known for their habit of having a sentinel standing on its hind legs looking out for potential danger from predators such as snakes, birds of prey and jackals, these very gregarious animals feed on a wide variety of invertebrates, as well as lizards, small mammals, eggs and fruits.  Groups can number as many as 50 individuals and are known as a mob.  They are exceptional excavators and will construct a series of tunnels to escape predators as well as the heat of the desert sun.